FIU slaps Rs 54L fine on Union Bank of India for multiple PMLA violations...⇲
Union Bank of India
Trafigura fined for bribing Angolan official...⇲
Trafigura Group Pte Ltd
Global Cryptocurrency Exchange BitMEX Fined $100 Million For Violating Bank Secrecy Act...⇲
HDR Global Trading Limited
MNB fines OTP and MBH Banks for AML compliance failures- OTP...⇲
OTP Bank
MNB fines OTP and MBH Banks for AML compliance failures- MBH...⇲
MBH Bank
01.09.2016 -- Today, announces the launch of ELMA (External Losses Media Awareness) application with free access for anyone using internet connection.
The aim of ELMA is to pro...⇲ -- Today, announces the launch of ELMA (External Losses Media Awareness) application with free access for anyone using internet connection.
The aim of ELMA is to provide all interested parties with the possibility of free access to a world-wide multi-industry database of external operational risk losses that are available throughout media sources, which eventually could be used for both management and measurement of operational risk.
The access to the application works via registration and every member that records at least one incident which was published in media and subsequently approved by the administrator of the application can eventually access the whole data stored in the application.
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